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02 Jul, 2024
Learn more about free services for an abortion and how we can help in Northridge, California. In this article, we discuss the 3 free things you need before abortion.
3 Things needed before an abortion
22 Feb, 2023
Before considering an abortion, it's essential to take three key steps: confirm your pregnancy with a reliable test, get an ultrasound to determine how far along you are, and learn about all your options to make an informed decision.
Can I get the abortion pill by mail?
20 Jan, 2023
Yes, it is possible to receive the abortion pill by mail in California. Learn more about at-home abortion and how we can help in Northridge, CA.
20 Nov, 2022
Open Arms does not provide abortion services or abortion pills but we will provide you with the information you need to make a fully informed choice.
Can stay at home moms successfully launch a business?
08 Nov, 2022
Are you dreaming of starting your own successful business as a stay-at-home mom? Then this guide is for you. The Open Arms Pregnancy Clinic explains how you can launch a successful home-based business and still make time for family.
Is abortion or adoption right for me?
05 Jul, 2022
When facing an unplanned pregnancy, deciding what to do can be overwhelming. There is much to think about and the decision you make will impact your future regardless of your choice.
What to know before taking the abortion pill
15 Jun, 2022
When considering an abortion, a woman should be given options in an informative, pressure-free environment. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s important that you know you are not alone as you navigate this journey and that you’re armed with information.
Risks of the abortion pill?
26 Apr, 2022
As with any medical decision, you deserve the facts before choosing what’s best for you. Keep reading to learn more about the risks of the abortion pill.
Signs of an incomplete abortion?
23 Mar, 2022
Whether you took the abortion pill or had a surgical abortion, one of the risks is an incomplete abortion. If all the products of the pregnancy are not removed from the uterus, this is considered an incomplete abortion. This can be more common after taking the abortion pill, but it happens after surgical abortions as well.
Possible mental health effects of abortion
23 Mar, 2022
When calculating the best option of how to handle the pregnancy, it is essential to factor your mental health into the equation. Here are important facts and information about the possible mental health effects of abortion so you can make a well-informed decision.
Tips for building your business with a new baby
16 Mar, 2022
When you’re the proud parent of a new baby, you may think that building your business is impossible. Thankfully, it is possible to be a wonderful parent and a powerful small business leader.
Can I buy the abortion pill online?
17 Feb, 2022
Although it’s challenging to find the exact price of purchasing the abortion pill online, $500 is the average cost. But before placing an order online, there is some important information to know.
Will my insurance pay for my girlfriend’s abortion?
17 Jan, 2022
Is your partner considering abortion after finding out she’s unexpectedly pregnant? You may be worried about making a pregnancy decision, along with the expenses that come with it. Wherever you and your partner are in the pregnancy journey – you are not alone.
Will California medicaid pay for my abortion?
12 Jan, 2022
Facing an unplanned pregnancy brings various challenges. For many women, the weight of financial instability can be the most daunting aspect of pregnancy. You may be wondering if Medicaid coverage extends to abortion procedures, and the answer is yes. Let’s unpack the expenses to expect when considering an abortion.
What are the risks of abortion?
21 Sep, 2021
Many women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy want out of that situation as fast as possible. That can cause them to make a rushed decision without being fully informed and can lead to a choice they may later regret. It’s important to take a moment to breathe and then gather some important information including whether or not the pregnancy is even a viable pregnancy, and what are the types of abortion as well as the potential risks.
What are the different types of abortion?
10 Aug, 2021
Are you considering the option of abortion after finding out you are unexpectedly pregnant? Reality can seem a bit foggy when dealing with the emotions that come during this time. Know that you don’t have to face this journey alone, and you have pregnancy options available to you.
Can someone be forced to have an abortion?
07 Jun, 2021
Facing an unplanned pregnancy without the support and help of your family and friends can be incredibly challenging. As you make choices surrounding your pregnancy, it’s important to remember that only you have the power to make these crucial decisions.
Making an adoption plan
05 Apr, 2021
Choosing adoption is a big step for any woman. Whether you are a single mom struggling with finances or other life circumstances, adoption could be a great fit. No matter what you do, you will always be a mom.
Can I graduate highschool if I’m pregnant?
26 Mar, 2021
Graduate high school, go to college, find a job, get married, and have babies — this is the sequence of a successful life many people envision for their future. But what happens when things don’t go as planned?
How to find emotional support while pregnant with Covid
23 Mar, 2021
How to find emotional support while pregnant with COVID-19 According to NCBI, the prevalence of mental disorders among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic are high, especially women in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. There are ways to receive emotional help.
What are the different types of adoptions?
01 Mar, 2021
Motherhood looks different for every woman. Adoption is a selfless and loving decision for you, the adoptive parents, and your child. There are many kinds of adoptions that allow you to have the type of relationship you desire with your child. As the birth mother, the adoption plan is entirely up to you. You are in control.
The risks of ordering the abortion pill online
18 Feb, 2021
For many women, ordering the abortion pill online feels like the closest thing to “wishing it all away,” however, as with any medication, it’s important to use caution. Like most medical procedures, the abortion pill comes with a list of risks and side effects, but possibly even more so when ordered online.
Different types of abortion procedures
16 Feb, 2021
Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and need help understanding all your options? You are not alone. Before you move forward, take your time to consider all your options and discuss them with someone you trust.
How to recognize early pregnancy symptoms
25 Jan, 2021
As the female body prepares to grow, carry, and care for another human, it only makes sense that it might experience some noticeable changes.
Plan B vs the abortion pill
19 Jan, 2021
Your friends here at Open Arms are here to help break down this important difference and help guide you through the various pregnancy options.
Side effects of the abortion pill
07 Jan, 2021
Between parenting, adoption, and abortion, the decision can be challenging. There are several factors that should be considered.
Free things needed before an abortion
28 Dec, 2020
In this article, we discuss the three things you need to do before having an abortion, as well as how you can get them for free! Click here to find out more!
How to tell your parents you’re pregnant
15 Dec, 2020
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s possible one of the first things that came to mind is wondering what your parents would think if they found out.
My girlfriend is pregnant - where can we get free help?
01 Dec, 2020
Finding out your girlfriend is unexpectedly pregnant can bring feelings of shock, fear, and maybe even anger. Here at Open Arms, we are here to help support and guide you in any way.
When should I take a pregnancy test?
19 Nov, 2020
Regardless of whether your pregnancy is planned or unplanned, waiting to take a pregnancy test can feel agonizing. However, if you’re looking for the most accurate result, it’s important to know when exactly to take the test.
Risks of medical marijuana when pregnant
11 Nov, 2020
While marijuana is legal in many states and sometimes even used by women to combat pregnancy nausea and pain, there are six risks to consider before continuing the use of medicinal or recreational marijuana while pregnant.
Top 5 side effects of abortion
03 Nov, 2020
When considering any medical procedure, it’s important to sit down and do some research on the potential side effects and risks you might experience. The same can be said about abortion.
How do ultrasounds work?
12 Oct, 2020
Here’s our guide to the ins and outs of ultrasounds — how they work and why you should get one.
Pregnancy loss support
04 Dec, 2018
If you have experienced pregnancy or neonatal loss, you are not alone
Pregnancy and paid family leave
26 Jun, 2018
You may be eligible for paid leave during your pregnancy and following birth. We get asked about this often, and you may be wondering as well.
Celebrating the fathers who raised us up
14 Jun, 2018
Wisdom. Strength. Adventure. Protection. And a whole lotta Fun! The Open Arms team shares things our dads taught us and the funny things our dads did that created fond memories and that still bring a smile to our face:
A letter to my birth mom
11 May, 2018
A true story of how I grew up in a wonderful home knowing the love of two parents and knowing the love of a mother I had never met.
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