Can someone be forced to have an abortion?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy without the support and help of your family and friends can be incredibly challenging. As you make choices surrounding your pregnancy, it’s important to remember that only you have the power to make these crucial decisions. 

If you feel as though you are being pressured into having an abortion, keep reading.


Many women who are walking through unplanned pregnancies experience pressure from those around them to abort. However, it’s vital to remember that nobody — whether it is your parents, doctor, or partner — can force you to have an abortion. This is true even if you are a minor.

Making a decision under pressure can lead to regret later on. It’s important to find support and help if you are in this situation so you can make the best decision for you.

What options are available in the case of an unplanned pregnancy

When it comes to an unplanned pregnancy, you have three options — parenting, adoption, and abortion.

What you want to do regarding your pregnancy is entirely up to you and, with the help of your local pregnancy clinic, you can learn more about each option and be empowered to make the choice that’s right for you. 

Here at Open Arms, we help educate women with information on all of their options, provide free health services like clinical pregnancy testing and ultrasound scans, and provide resources and referrals to help them feel confident in whatever choice they make.

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An unplanned pregnancy is never easy, especially if you feel like you don’t have the support you need. Thankfully, there’s help available through your local pregnancy clinic.

Not only will you be met with care and a community of support, but you’ll also be able to confirm your pregnancy through no-cost pregnancy testing and an ultrasound scan and access important information on all of your pregnancy options. 

If you are being pressured to terminate your pregnancy, our caring and knowledgeable staff can help you understand your rights, think through how to stand against the pressure, have effective conversations with those who are pressuring you, and find other sources of support and help.


Visit Open Arms for no-cost pregnancy healthcare, education, and options counseling. Schedule your appointment today!

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