Free things needed for an abortion

In this article, we discuss the three things you need before having an abortion, as well as how to get them for free!

We know how hard an unplanned pregnancy can be. At the Open Arms Pregnancy Clinic in Northridge, California, we’ve helped thousands of women not feel alone and we can help you, too. If you are considering an abortion, there are some important steps you should take beforehand. Here are three things you need before an abortion and how to receive them for free. We do not provide abortion or the abortion pill and we do not profit from your decision. 

Free & Confidential Services in Northridge, California


Your first step to take before an abortion is a pregnancy test. This may sound like a simple and obvious step, but even if an at-home test came back positive, it’s important to have a clinical pregnancy test performed by a medical professional. The Open Arms Pregnancy Clinic offers free and confidential clinical pregnancy testing.


This next step of having an ultrasound exam provides vital information to have as part of your decision-making process. Open Arms offers free limited OB ultrasound exams. This ultrasound will reveal how far along you are in your pregnancy and whether or not your pregnancy is viable.  If the pregnancy is located outside of the uterus, it’s called an ectopic pregnancy and is not viable.  This is potentially life-threatening to the maternal patient and must be treated immediately.


Once you have a viable pregnancy confirmed and know exactly how far along you are in your pregnancy, the next step is to explore all three options – abortion, adoption, and parenting. Deciding to move forward with any of these options is a big decision, but you don’t have to face this decision alone. We are here to help.

Contact Us in Northridge, California

Open Arms will provide you with resources as well as the information you’ll need to make an empowered decision for your future. All of our services are completely free and confidential.

Make an appointment with us today to talk about your options and learn more about our free services in Northridge, California. We don’t provide or refer for abortion and never profit from your choice. We want you to be able to make a fully informed decision. Our medical professionals will give you information and address your concerns in a safe and caring environment.

3 Things needed before an abortion
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