Possible mental health effects of abortion

Up to 50% of the pregnancies in the US are unplanned. Learning you are pregnant when you least expect it can cause a deluge of emotions and trigger feelings such as anxiety, fear, frustration, etc. 

When calculating the best option of how to handle the pregnancy, it is essential to factor your mental health into the equation. Here are important facts and information about the possible mental health effects of abortion so you can make a well-informed decision.


A woman’s experience with abortion will vary from one woman to another. Some do not experience any mental health issues and others do. As you seek to be fully informed, it’s important to understand how abortion may affect your mental health.

A meta-analysis of 22 published studies of over 877,000 participants found that women who had an abortion had an 81% higher risk of mental health problems compared to women who carried a pregnancy to term. They found a 37% increased risk for major depression, 34% increased risk for anxiety disorders, 110% increased risk for alcohol abuse, 220% increased risk for marijuana abuse and a 155% increased risk of suicide attempts.

A 2013 review of 30 studies examining abortion and mental-health issues found that “abortion is a risk factor for subsequent mental illness when compared with childbirth.”

A 2018 literature review found an “association between abortion and higher rates of anxiety, depression, substance use, traumatic symptoms, sleep disorders, and other negative outcomes.”

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Before you make a decision, be sure that you are making the decision that is best for your long-term physical and mental wellbeing. 

At Open Arms, we do not perform abortions but we will help you understand all your options. We believe strongly that with knowledge comes confidence. 

Schedule a no-cost pre-abortion consultation with our compassionate and knowledgeable team at Open Arms. We are here to help!

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