Pregnancy loss support

If you have experienced pregnancy or neonatal loss, you are not alone

If you have experienced a pregnancy loss or neonatal loss you may be feeling pain that is difficult for others to understand. At Open Arms, we want you to know that you are not alone. One of the resources we always share with our clients who have experienced pregnancy or neonatal loss is In Loving Arms. In Loving Arms is a six-week support class that comes alongside hurting mothers and fathers and helps them heal and find comfort. Over the course of the six weeks of classes you will explore tough questions together with others who are also going through loss and hear testimonies from mothers and fathers who have found healing after the loss of their baby.

Tony and Kat shared, “This support came at a much-needed time in our life. It provided a safe place for us to grieve and heal alongside other hurting moms and dad.”

Find out more about In Loving Arms and register for their next 6-week session. You can also reach out to them through the contact form on their site.

This past year In Loving Arms planned a Wave of Light event to gather the community of those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. During this special event, parents who lost their babies came together and wrote down their babies’ names and displayed them on a board together to honor their children. They also held candles together as they reflected and remembered their little ones.

Request Appointment Form

In addition to In Loving Arms, another resource we point clients to is the website On this website, you will find helpful information including:

  • Exploring emotions as an important part of working through the loss of your child
  • Identifying losses and putting a name to them to help bring relief
  • Building support and reaching out to others to receive help
  • Telling your story to help you grieve
  • Identifying unhealthy behaviors and receiving resources to help with specific unhealthy behaviors that may develop

Again, at Open Arms we want you to know that you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to or would like to find help, please feel free to contact our office at 818-626-9400.

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